Peoples of the Arctic created several designs, depending on what materials were part of their culture. Most kayaks were fabricated using wood for the frame and then tied together using sinew, or tendons, with a seal skin cover. Other kayaks were made from whalebone or driftwood. A sea lion skin may then have been used as a covering, with whale fat as a sealant. And yet, the designs of Greenland, the Baffin and Aleutian Islands, as well as the Bering Strait, were all extremely unique.
The kayaks from Greenland were sleek and low, whereas Baffin Island kayaks were known for being wider, longer and were a much higher volume. High combing around the cockpit was a clever design to keep the paddle dry come rough conditions. Kayaks from the Bering Strait were short and known for their stability. The Aleuts are known for a design with a clever forked bow to cut through waves.
The kayak was useful for transport but it was a miraculous hunting tool, facilitating a quiet approach towards one's desired prey. It is said that occasionally a white cloth would be strung over the front of the kayak to imitate a section of ice drifting towards the hunted creature.
When kayaking became a leisure sport for non-Natives is not known for sure, but many believe it was introduced to Western cultures when John MacGregor constructed a kayak and travelled Europe in 1845.
Today, kayaking is accessible to all skill levels, providing a quiet and gas-free form of breathtaking travel, exploration and exercise.
General notes when do kayaking
- ALWAYS keep paper items in separate zip-lock bags
- Carrying an oily rag can be good for salvaging your camera if it gets wet
- Anything in containers that are vulnerable to water should be in there own water-resistant/tight containers
- Without worrying about your boat drifting off or having to shore it
- ALWAYS keep things tied down when out to sea